Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Pengertian Causative Verb ( Kata Kerja Kausatif )

Causative Verb adalah kata kerja utama atau pokok yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang menyuruh atau menyebabkan orang lain melakukan sesuatu , atau bisa juga menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan.
Causative dapat dibagi menjadi 6 yaitu :
Causative Have , Causative Make , Causative Let , Causative Help , Causative Want ,dan  Causative Get.
Contoh :
Have merupakan causative verb yang umum. Ketimbang melakukan sesuatu dengan diri kita sendiri, kita “menyuruh” orang yang lain untuk melakukannya. Bentuknya sebagai berikut:
Kata kerja “to have” + objek + past participle (verb 3). Contoh:
- I had my jacket cleaned yesterday.
- Did you have your computer fixed?

Let digunakan untuk membolehkan seseorang melakukan sesuatu.
Bentuknya adalah let + orang + verb. Contoh:
  • John let me drive his new car.
  • Will your parents let you go to the party?
  • I don’t know if my boss will let me take the day off.

Make digunakan untuk memaksa seseorang melakukan sesuatu.
 Bentuknya adalah make + orang + verb. Contoh:
  • My teacher made me apologize for what I had said.
  • Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
  • She made her children do their homework.
Get Pengertiannya adalah "untuk memastikan bahwa sesuatu telah dikerjakan oleh seseorang."
Bentuk kalimatnya [get + person + to + verb].
·         Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
·         How can parents get their children to read more?
·         The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.

Help juga bukanlah betul-betul sebuah causative verb, tapi umumnya dianggap sebagai causative verbs daalm buku-buku grammar. Help biasanya diikuti oleh kata kerja pertama murni, tapi dapat di ikuti oleh to infinitive pada beberapa kasus. Help berarti membantu atau menolong.
Rumus: subject + help + complement + [kata kerja pertama murni]/[to infinitive]
·         Muh. Hasan basri helped Mutia Izza wash his dishes.
·         Muh. Hasan basri helped Mutia Izza to wash his dishes.


Soal – Soal

1. Each of students ……. received an invitation.
A. having
B. have
C. has

D. be having
E. to have

2. The school has a lot of classrooms. Each of them ….…equipped with an overhead projector.
A. are
B. is
C. they are
D. being
E. to be

3. Neither the football players nor their coach …… satisfied with referee's decision.
A. was
B. be
C. were
D. being
E. he was

4. Six hundred miles …..a long distance to drive in one day.
A. to be
B. are being
C. it is
D. they are
E. is

5. The name of a river passing through some big towns …..the title of a popular Indonesian song.
A. it has become
B. has become
C. having become
D. to have become
E. have become

6. Many of my students can afford to buy a ticket for the Michael Jackson show, the majority ….. from well to do families.
A. to come
B. coming
C. comes
D. they come
E. come

7. The shipment of logs from China ……..because of the bad weather.
A. they have been postponed
B. being postponed
C. been postponed
D. has been postponed
E. to be postponed

8. It was a miracle that neither of the passengers nor the driver …. injured in the accident.
A. they were
B. was
C. to be
D. were
E. he was

9. The increase in the sales of new cars ….. not expected to make traffic jams worse.
A. is
B. are
C. be
D. being
E. to be

10. In the next poetry contest, each of the contestants …. expected to be more critical and more accurate in pronunciation.
A. is
B. are
C. they have
D. to be
E. being

11. The way he smiles and talks always ….. many beautiful girls.
A. to attract
B. it attracts
C. attracts
D. attracting
E. attract

12. One of the problems faced by foreign businessmen …. the frequent changing of regulations.
A. are
B. is being
C. Be
D. is
E. to be

13. Because of the monetary crisis, the number of people without jobs ….. at the moment.
A. increase
B. is increasing
C. increase
D. was increasing
E. will increase

14. At the beginning of the semester , every student …… given a new time-table.
A. he is
B. they are
C. are
D. is
E. be

15. Is Yanti still in the Training Department?
No, She ……to the sales department.
A. has transferred
B. being transferred
C. has been transferring
D. to be transferred
E. has been transferred

16. Her book is not here anymore. It must have …….. .
A. being taken away
B. took away
C. taken away
D. been taking away
E been taken away

17. This is a very popular TV program. Every week it ……. by millions of people.
A. watches
B. being watched
C. is watched
D. has watched
E. to be watched

18. Can we get tickets for the second show of the “Jurassic park?” I think they ……
A. are sold out
B. are to be sold out
C. have been sold
D. be sold out
E. are selling them out

19. What happened to her T shirt? Oh, … when she jumped over the fence.
A. It was torn
B. to be torn
C. It tore
D. tearing
E. be torn

20. I don't know how to arrange these flowers. I'd rather ……
A. do it
B. have to do it
C. have it done
D. it has been done
E. have done it

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