Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Contoh Soal Direct

1.      Direct  :  “Do you need a pen?” Ani asked
{Bentuk kalimat tanya yang didahului dengan auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu). Bila pertanyaan dimulai dengan kata kerja bantu.}
change a word is indirect :
a.       Ani asked me if I was need a pen.
 maka kalimat tidak langsungnya menggunakan rumus:
If / whether + S + auxiliary verb + object (complement)
b.       Ani ask me if i need a pen.                     
c.     Ani said , if i need a pen.                       
d.    Ani ask if i need a pen.

2.      Indirect : John asked me what I wanted
Change a word is direct :
a.        John ask , “what do you want ?.
b.       John asked, “What do you want?”.
c.        John said “what do you want”.
d.        John said (that) what do you want.

3.      Direct : Sue asked, “Are you hungry?”
{Bentuk kalimat tanya yang didahului dengan auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu). Bila pertanyaan dimulai dengan kata kerja bantu}
Change a word is indirect :
a.      Sue wanted to know if I was hungry.
{maka kalimat tidak langsungnya menggunakan rumus:
If / whether + S + auxiliary verb + object (complement)}

b.      Sue want to know if i was hungry.
c.       Sue wants to know if i hungry.
d.      Sue wants to knew if i hungry.

  1. Bruce informed me (that) he went to move to Ohio.
Change a word is direct :
a.       “i’m go to move to ohio.” Ask bruce.
b.      “ i’m go to move to ohio .” Bruce said.
c.       “I’m going to move to Ohio,” said Bruce.
d.      “i’m went to move to ohio”  said bruce.

5.      “I may be late,” said Mike
  Change a worda is indirect :
a.      Mike told me (that) he was late .
{Dalam indirect speech/reported speech terdapat perubahan kata kerja atau tenses pada kalimat yang diucapkan si pembicara,  i berubah menjadi he was dalam indirect speech. (that) artinya bahwa; kata ini manasuka, boleh dipergunakan, boleh juga tidak}
b.      Mike tell me (that) he was late.
c.       Mike told me (that) he late.
d.      Mike told me he late.

6.      He said, ‘I have lost my umbrella
{Sebuah kalimat pernyataan menggunakan kata pengantar.}
Change a word is indirect :
a.     He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.
Bila pembicara melaporkan atau menceritakan kembali apa yang dibicarakan oleh orang lain, pronouns(kata ganti orang) dalam kalimat tersebut harus berubah.Dengan penanbahan (that) dan hilangnya tanda kutip serta perubahanhave menjadi lampau (had)

b.     He ask he had lost his umbrella.
c.     He say he has lost him umbrella.
d.     He said (that) he has lost the umbrella.

7.      He said to his servant, “Go away at once!”
{bentuk kalimat kutipan asli dari pembicara atau pendapat seseorang tanpa mengalami perubahan.}
Change a word a is indirect
a.    He ordered his servant to go away at once.
{Bila pembicara melaporkan atau menceritakan kembali apa yang dibicarakan oleh orang lain, pronouns(kata ganti orang) dalam kalimat tersebut harus berubah.Dengan perubahan kata  sebagai keterangannya}

b.    He order his servant to go away at once.
c.    He servant to go away at once.
d.    He ordered servant to go away at once.

8.      She says to her friend that he has been waiting
{kalimatnya mengalami perubahan yakni tense, kata ganti orang (pronouns), serta keterangan waktu dan tempat (adverbs of time and place).}
Present tense-Any tense (bentuk waktu apapun)
Change a word is direct :                  
a.       She ask to her friend “ i have been waiting “.
Present tense-Any tense (bentuk waktu apapun)
b.      She said “ i have been waiting”.
c.       She says to her friend, “ I have been waiting”.
d.      She say “i have been waiting” .

9.      he said "i love you".
Change a word is indirect
a.      he said that he love you.
b.      he said that him love you.
c.       he ask he loves you.
d.      he said he love you.

10.  “I was reading an English novels”.
Change a word is indirect
a.      He said that he had been reading English novels.
b.      He say that had been reading english novels.
c.       He ask that had been reading english novels.
d.      He said that been reading english novels.

11.  Direct : : “Open the window, please!”
{Bentuk positive imperative adalah bentuk kalimat perintah tanpa not. Polanya adalah sebagai berikut : to + verb base}
change a word is indirect :
a.      The teacher told me to open the window.
{Menambahkan orang yang memerintah dan memakai kata lampau . Jika bentuk permohonan menggunakan kata ’please’, maka dalam kalimat tidak langsungnya kat ’please’ hilang.}
b.       The teacher tell me to open the window.
c.       Teacher told me to open the window now.
d.      The teacher tell me to open the window now.

12.  Dina asked, “What will you buy tomorrow?” ( Direct )
{Bentuk kalimat tidak langsung yang kata pengantarnya dalam bentuk past tense (asked, said, ordered, warned), maka kalimatnya mengalami perubahan yakni tense, kata ganti orang (pronouns), serta keterangan waktu dan tempat (adverbs of time and place).}
Change a word is indirect :
a.      Dina asked me what I would buy the following day.
Perubahan menjadi kata lampau will menjadi would
b.      Dina says me what i would buy the following day.
c.       Dina ask me what i would buy the following day.
d.      Dina said me what i would buy the following day.

13.  Lisa says, “The concert will begin soon.” (direct speech)
{kutipan asli dari pembicara atau pendapat seseorang tanpa mengalami perubahan.}
Change a word is indirect :
a.      Lisa says that the concert will begin soon.
{Tidak ada perubahan hanya menggunakan tambahan (that) artinya bahwa; kata ini manasuka, boleh dipergunakan, boleh juga tidak}
b.      Lisa said the concert will begin soon.
c.       Lisa say the concert will begin soon.
d.      Lisa asked the concert will begin soon.

14.  Santi says, ”My boyfriend is a handsome ang good boy.”
{kutipan asli dari pembicara atau pendapat seseorang tanpa mengalami perubahan.}
Change a word is indirect :
a.      Santi says (that) her boyfriend is a handsome and good boy.
{Bentuk kalimat tidak langsung yang kata pengantarnya dalam bentuk present tense (says, tells, explains), maka kalimat tidak langsungnya tidak mengalami perubahan tense}
b.      Santi says her boyfriend is a handsome and good boy.
c.       Santi asked her boyfriend is a handsome and good boy .
d.      Santi said her boyfriend is a handsome and good boy .

15.   ”don’t be angry”
{ Negative imperative .Jika kalimat perintah negatif diawali dengan kata don’t}
Change a word is indiirect :
a.      Budi told me not to be angry.
{bentuk kata kerja negatifnya berubah menjadi not dan diikuti infinitive dengan to. Jadi, pada kalimat perintah negatif polanya adalah: not to + verb base}
b.      Budi told not to be angry.
c.       Budi tell me not to be angry.
d.      Budi tell me not angry.

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